Spring Cohort 2024

Do you want to become a stronger teacher leader

but receive little to no guidance or support to get there?

The Teacher Leader Mastermind is the answer you've been waiting for!


You might be asking yourself this question right now.

A mastermind is...a community of colleagues that put their minds together to problem solve and goal set so that collectively they create ONE master mind.

This means our good ideas become better because of the people we surround ourselves with, brainstorming through obstacles and supporting our growth and development to reach our goals.

A small group (a cohort) of teacher leaders like yourself meet virtually every other week. It's the most personalized guidance you'll ever receive AND you grow your PLN with amazing teacher leaders across the nation.

Upgrade your effectiveness as a teacher leader!

Transform into a better leader by surrounding yourself with other elite leaders.

  • Get the support you've been craving from a special community rooting you on
  • Receive personalized feedback on your specific situation from a teacher leader who has been in your shoes
  • Gain new ideas to implement from peers in the field walking along side you

The struggle you've been facing wondering HOW to improve and WHO to lean on is now behind you. This mastermind will give you the knowledge and support you've been seeking to become a stronger teacher leader!

5 Month - 20 Week - 150 Day Commitment

How Can this Mastermind Help Me?

A mastermind is a great investment in your future self. You'll gain:

  • Knowledge, tips and strategies to better lead teachers
  • Increased clarity in your role and potential impact
  • Increased confidence in your leadership skillset
  • A supportive network of teacher leaders learning alongside you

What's Included?

  • Virtual Live Meetings (& Replays): Chat with teacher leaders all across the country, learning what obstacles they are facing and brainstorm ways to push through those roadblocks, celebrate success and improve your leadership practice
  • Free Downloadables: Use what I use to help transform teaching across a district
  • Members Only Facebook Group: Get support and ideas in between virtual live meetings
    • DUAL-Course: You get all the benefits of an online course (videos + printable forms) to help you become an effective instructional coach while receiving individualized support to help you put everything you've learned into action. (Much of the work is done off of this platform.)
      • Level 1 Course (Coaching Teachers Course)
      • Level 2 Course (Edu-Mastermind)
    • Micro Pd Sessions : "Coach 'Em Up" video series
      • These are past topics teacher leaders have grappled with and needed guidance for how to navigate. You get access to those potential problems as well as the solutions for how to push through when you face them on your journey.

What are Mastermind Members saying?

"Oh my goodness. I feel like I'm not alone in this job anymore! I'm actually finding myself taking notes of the things that I want to discuss at our upcoming conference calls! <3 This MM group has given me a new found confidence to go out and tackle "the hard stuff". I feel better doing those things in my daily work because then I know that I have a group that I can tell all about it and problem solve the next thing! "

- Nikki Carel, K-5 Instructional Coach, Jefferson City, MO

"I feel so.much.more.confident!!! I feel like I have gained confidence because I was unsure of my 'job' since this is the first year our district has had such a position but since joining this group it was confirmed I was on the right track. I feel like it was just enough to make me step out of my comfort zone and I LOVE the accountability piece. And having others in the same 'boat' has been reassuring that everything will be ok :) [Overall] I feel like I have gained more confidence, both in working with teachers and standing up for myself to admin."

"I LOVE this mastermind. Every meeting I attended I learned something new and had action steps to put into play. This is the accountability group I need. I feel like because of the goals I set here, and the support and encouragement I get from Gretchen, I have been able to make a bigger impact on teachers and students than I would have been able to by myself. I continue to come back because it is a game changing experience."

- Jenna Klier, Math Instructional Coach, O'Fallon, IL

"THANK YOU Gretchen! Wonderfully supportive! [I learned] to really take note of my reflection and grow as a teacher leader. [I] know that I am ready for the challenges that may arise and step forward positively in small action steps.I have grown so much from your guidance and the team of Master Minds during the most challenging time of my coaching journey. With the MM team I gained so many ideas to coaching through a pandemic that I have been able to implement or tweak to fit my building."

Kristin Inae, Teacher Leader, Riverside, CA

"I feel more empowered, to do what I need to do in my position, knowing that others are behind me, and are doing the same thing. I have gained valuable knowledge about my practice. Thank you for helping us to see our progress :)"

- Melissa Morrison, Literacy Educational Consultant, Pennsville, NJ

"If you don't know [Gretchen] you need to. I've been a part of her mastermind during this quarantine and it's been a game changer. [With] gentle accountability, I've taken more initiative to create positive changes in our reading program. This came at just the right time and helped relight my passion for my role as an instructional coach."

- Eva Mirales, Reading Specialist & Instructional Coach, San Antonio, TX

"I really enjoyed the MM. It was what I needed. I felt it was refreshing to what I had been doing. [I gained] ways of looking at time management and what is necessary to provide effective and quality assistance for teachers. Participating in the Mastermind has increased my fluency as a Teacher Leader. My coaching skills and knowledge has expanded tremendously. Through the Mastermind, I have increased engagement and learning with the teachers I lead."

- Sheila Collins, MD, Teacher Leader, Louisiana

"Thank you so much Gretchen!!! I have a much clearer idea of how to break down obstacles that I am facing. Clear actionable steps have been so extremely helpful!"

- Missy Sinclair, Elementary Coach, Chicago, IL

"I applied for a coaching job prior to MM. I did not get the job. I wanted feedback on why I wasn't selected but no one would tell me. The MM helped me to see why I was not selected...I was not prepared. MM gave me the tools needed, and in everything I do now, I think about it from a coaches perspective."

- Catina Thomas, Teacher Mentor, South Carolina

We Get Results!

No matter the goal, we align mini action steps to the vision. In a matter of weeks, progress starts to show. By the end of the cohort, results are in!

Examples of goals achieved from instructional coaches, PD facilitators, teacher mentors and administrators:

  • Doubled the size of the teachers served by offering micro PD options
  • Cut the fat of unproductive conversations by 25% by streamlining the coaching conversation process and thus serving twice as many teachers better
  • Increased the accuracy rate of standards based grading implementation by 75% through milestone check-in coaching
...and more!

Who is the Mastermind Experience for?

This experience is for educators who are:

  • Self motivated
  • Determined to make a difference
  • Life-long learners
  • Advocates for instructional best practices & teacher wellness
  • Cultivators of a collaborative culture
  • Focused on student outcomes and equity
  • Actively seeking the latest trends and research based methods for the classroom

Educators who participate generally hold one of these titles/roles:

  • Instructional Coaches
  • Peer Mentors
  • Cooperating Teachers for Student Teachers
  • New Teacher Induction Program Coordinators
  • Curriculum Coordinators
  • Professional Development Presenters
  • Content Specialists
  • Grade Level Leaders
  • Initiative Directors
  • Administrators

... or any educator who supports the development of teachers in the classroom.

Who is the Mastermind Experience NOT for?

Educators are not a fit for the Mastermind Experience who are:

  • Unmotivated
  • Sit-and-get learners
  • Waiting for the answers before acting
  • Out-of-touch with what's working in education
  • Not interested in learning or supporting others
  • All-knowing in attitude and mindset

You Might Be Thinking...

1) This is too expensive

When you invest in yourself, you will always see a huge return. It's up to you what you decide to prioritize- coffee, netflix, or professional development. (TIP: To save more money in the long-run, buy in full. For the more affordable option, pay monthly. You'll also receive a discount on every future cohort you join as a returning member!)

2) I don't have the time to commit on an ongoing basis

Each call is recorded in case you cannot make it live. This allows you to catch up when you have the time (weekends, holidays, etc.) You also have access to the members only Facebook group to ask ongoing questions and receive support. This is convenient as you can access this from your phone on the go. In the end, this membership is meant to be an asset in your life, not one more thing on your to-do list.

3) This can't help me because I am too new/experienced in my role

Whether you are a newbie looking to create structure and develop your leadership potential or you are a veteran educator with a rap sheet of leadership experience, this mastermind can meet you where you are and elevate you to where you want to be. The strength of the mastermind comes from the varied experience of the members- the more diverse, the better. Everyone has something to give and everyone has something to receive.

*If you have a unique circumstance that you want to see if this Mastermind experience would be a good fit, feel free to email me at gretchen@alwaysalesson.com

Get started now!

Once enrolled, you will receive a personalized email from me sharing next steps on:

  • How to begin connecting with other members in the private Facebook group
  • A calendar of meeting dates and times
  • Details for your first meeting
  • Suggestions for how to start diving into the content (both the coaching course + mastermind videos)

Your Instructor

Gretchen Bridgers
Gretchen Bridgers

Gretchen is a National Board Certified elementary educator. After a decade in the classroom, she transitioned into a coaching role for new teachers in grades K-12 in a large, urban school district before consulting nationwide on her own. As a teacher trainer and coach, Gretchen empowers elementary through high school educators to gain the skills and confidence necessary to become successful in the classroom for the development of their students.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The mastermind starts In January and finishes in May. It is a five-month commitment for bimonthly online meetings. However, you have access to the videos and resources hosted in this course for a lifetime, so you can watch and re-watch at your convenience!
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
What is a Mastermind?
A mastermind is a collective learning opportunity where like-minded people come together to support one another towards personal and professional goals. It is lead by a expert educator and seasoned mastermind member (Me!).

Get #empowered so that you can #empower others!