Reflective Questioning & Effective Feedback
Help teachers grow by leading more effectively
Are you a teacher leader who wants to improve the feedback you give to those you lead?
Do you want to develop a consistent pattern of reflective conversations?
This professional development will help you gain strategies for effective questioning, feedback and reflection!
In this session you will be able to:
- Understand the purpose and importance of an effective reflective questioning and feedback strategy
- Distinguish between effective and ineffective reflective questioning techniques
- Develop a series of reflective questions as a means of effective feedback
What's Included:
- Webinar
- Note-taking Guide
- 10 Tips Checklist
- PD Certificate
- Printables:
- Teacher Video Reflection
- Teacher Reflection Questions
Who is the Course for?
This experience is for educators who are:
- Developing Teacher Leaders & Coaches
- Self motivated
- Determined to make a difference
- Life-long learners
- Advocates for instructional best practices & teacher wellness
- Cultivators of a collaborative culture
- Actively seeking the latest trends and research based methods
Course Curriculum
Your Instructor
Gretchen is a National Board Certified elementary educator. After a decade in the classroom, she transitioned into a coaching role for new teachers in grades K-12 in a large, urban school district before consulting nationwide on her own. As a teacher trainer and coach, Gretchen empowers elementary through high school educators to gain the skills and confidence necessary to become successful in the classroom for the development of their students.